[Sbornik bogosluzhebnyĭ] [microform]. [181-?]


[Sbornik bogosluzhebnyĭ] [microform]. [181-?]

Liturgical miscellany. First quarter of the 19th cent. Owner's inscription (f.1r); dismissal of compline with troparia (ff. 2r-3r); kontakion for Friday Vespers (ff. 3r-5r); lenten prayer of Basil the Great to the Theotokos (ff. 5r-8r); lenten prayer of Antiochus the Monk (ff. 8r-9v); bedtime prayers (ff. 9v-11v); bedtime prayers in the kellion, eight prayers and a kontakion to the Theotokos (ff. 13r-24r). Leaves 1v, 12r-v, 24v are blank.

1 v. (24 leaves) : ill. ; 18.0 x 11.3 cm.

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